13-Storey Treehouse

TH 1:20-2:10pm



10 spots


This is a book study class based on 13-Story Treehouse written by Andy Griffiths and illustrated by Terry Denton. This is a heavily-illustrated novel that allows for a wide age-range of readers. Interested parents are encouraged to read the first chapter here:  https://andygriffiths.com.au/wp-content/uploads/extracts/13StoreyTreehouse_chap1.pdf

The class fee includes a copy of the book to be passed out on the first day and a copy of our own class storybook passed out on the last day. Students will have chapters assigned to them each week then complete related projects during class time. Projects will be low-floor-high-ceiling and allow students to work at their own level. They will include: showing off your math skills by planning your own tree house to scale (week 1); combining art and science skills by looking through a magnifying lens to make a self-portrait-diagram of your finger (week 2); combining physics and drawing skills by making a flip book or cartoon (week 3); exploring the science of bubbles (week 4); combining creativity and storytelling skills to write our own class storybook one sentence at a time (week 5); and finally having a book launch party (week 6).

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